================================================================ Title : HyperDOOM v1.00:Hyper Daemons and Killable items Filename : HARDDOOM.DEH(v1.666) or HYPERDOM.DEH(v1.2) Author : Y. Choe aka Avatar aka N.S. aka Choe- master aka the freak aka the dude... Email Address : 74271.2466@compuserve.com Misc. Author Info : I am the master of all...oops. A DOOM FANATIC, A one that wants to make other DOOMer's life a miserable hell then it already is.. Description : Imagine, a hell with TOUGHER DEAMONS, FASTER PROJECTILES, Projectiles that can be killed, and items that go poof if you shoot it too much...That is the whole aim of this patch file. If you can pass DOOM with a pistol and fist, get ready to practice. You won't be passing through this DOOM with just a pistol...hehehe Additional Credits to : guys that created DEHACKED v2.0 and that Seven new weapons patch... They were my source of inspiration. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : None Single Player : Yes (well, what do you expect, Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes you're running the exact Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes same wad that was made by Difficulty Settings : Yes id?!?!?) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New patch from scratch, modifies DOOM.EXE and DOOM.WAD, so you might want to back them up... It's a good idea to back them up anyway. Editor(s) used : DEHACKED v 2.0 Known Bugs : None, as of now...(oh, the objects just dissapears is NOT a BUG!!!!) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional patches. You MAY distribute this patch, provided you INCLUDE this file, with ABSOLUTELY NO modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include these two files intact. You may do whatever you want with this file. However, if you modify this patch, and distribute it, you must give me credit. It's the decent thing to do... No $, no royalty, just my name and E-Mail Address. Also, if you modify, just send me a E-Mail where you are. I just want to know how far this patch is... * Where to get this file.* FTP sites: None(feel free to change this if you decide to upload it at a FTP site...) BBS numbers: None(do the same, change it if you upload it in a BBS) Other: COMPUSERVE at The GAMERS+ FORUM. LIB 8, ACTION GAME AIDE * More info * COMING SOON: HyperEasy DOOM, What happened to my Weapons DOOM, and WHAT THE F--K IS THIS!! THE DAEMONS ARE SUPER TOUGH DOOM!! KEEP YER EYES OPEN..